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Sunday, April 10, 2016

Tiny explains why she named her daughter Heiress Harris

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Since Tiny and TI's daughter's name was revealed last week...trolls have been having a good time mocking the name. Tiny has explained how she came up with the unique name, Heiress. Speaking with a radio station in Atlanta, Tiny said;
"I think a lot of people don’t know how to pronounce it, so they have a lot to say. It’s Heiress Diana Harris, my middle name is Diane and I just changed it to Diana because I felt like it was a royalty name that went with Heiress and it also represents me.”
Since Tiny and TI's daughter's name was revealed last week...trolls have been having a good time mocking the name. Tiny has explained how she came up with the unique name, Heiress. Speaking with a radio station in Atlanta, Tiny said;
"I think a lot of people don’t know how to pronounce it, so they have a lot to say. It’s Heiress Diana Harris, my middle name is Diane and I just changed it to Diana because I felt like it was a royalty name that went with Heiress and it also represents me.”

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